Saturday 24 January 2015

childrens Rights Education Curriculum

Children's Rights Education Curriculum

Critical Thinkers   Problem Solvers     Innovators   Self-Regulators    Collaborators
    1. PictureThe Children's Rights Education Curriculum consists of 15 units, each focusing on one of the general Convention rights. The purpose of this curriculum is to fulfill the obligation of dissemination that is outlined in Article 42 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child to make the principles and provisions of the Convention widely known, by appropriate and active means, to adults and children alike. 
    2. The Curriculum is organized into 3 major categories:
    3. Provisions Rights: Includes the Survival Units - Introduction, Water, Food, Home, and Health, and the Development Units - Education and Play;
    4. Protection Rights: Includes Units - Love and Care, Work, Special Needs, and Peace;
    5. Participation Rights: Includes Units - Identity, Expression, Life, and Take Action.
  1. Each unit has a main page which includes the following:
  1. Direct Aim
  2. Indirect Aim
  3. Major Unit Themes
  4. 9 Sub-Unit Focus areas
  5. Convention Articles that Relate to the Right
  6. General Unit Resources and References
Sub-Unit Organization
Each Sub-Unit is activated by clicking on one of the 9 boxes on the main unit page. Once on the sub-unit page, you will find:
  1. Purpose of the Sub-Unit including what the child asks, what Children's Rights Education provides, and what the child answers (assessment)
  2. List of Unit Themes
  3. Sub-Unit Vocabulary 
  4. Classroom Learning Activities
  5. Relevant Convention Articles
  6. Online Resources and References

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