10 minutes with a head of ICT: is it possible to future proof the curriculum?
10 minutes with a head of ICT: is it possible to future proof the curriculum?
ICT teachers and brothers,
Matt Britland and
Mike Britland, discuss the new computing curriculum and debate whether it's balanced enough to prepare students for the workplace
How has the teaching of ICT changed in the past eight years?
When I first started teaching ICT, it was based on using applications
and these are skills that are still important now. I remember teaching
students how to create video games some four years ago. With the new
curriculum, things are going less towards using computers and more
learning how they work. This includes programming, networks, algorithms
and computer hardware among others. We have gone from one extreme to the
other and have completely missed a balanced approach which would be
better for our students and would have gone some way to future proof the
Is there anyway we could future proof the curriculum?
It will never be possible to completely future proof the curriculum,
but things could be improved. I look at the curriculum and it is like
taking a step into the past. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as
some of the new programme of study, such as coding, is important for the
future of technology and software. Future proofing should mean ensuring
that our students are able to walk into the workplace when they leave
school and have the practical and creative skills, as well as some
theoretical skills. This will prepare them for a variety of workplaces.
How do schools go about the process of trying to future proof the curriculum?
There should be some guidelines for schools on what digital skills
students should be taught across the curriculum, these guidelines could
be updated every year. This would help fill some gaps. The problem at
the moment is that some schools don't always have someone to advise them
how to implement digital skills across the school. Things are moving so
quickly schools need someone with their ear to the ground.
How do you think teachers are preparing for the change and are they ready for it?
Some teachers are very excited about it and are busy developing their
existing skills and subject knowledge. There are lots of conferences
and training courses going on at the moment and I know from experience
that these are very popular. Unfortunately, some teachers are burying
their heads in the sand and pretending the change isn't happening. They
have decided they are not happy with the changes and not co-operating.
Some schools are not giving teachers the opportunity to get out of the
classroom and attend training sessions, leaving many teachers
disheartened. I know of a number of schools who have done away with
computing in year 7 and 8, and just run GCSEs in year 9 and above. This
is not good, in my opinion.
Is it understandable that schools take this approach if there is a
lack of qualified teachers out there to deliver it effectively?
Perhaps, but it is their job to make sure that their teachers can
deliver a subject effectively. It is their responsibility to send their
teachers on courses or get people into their schools to help retrain
members of staff. Without computing in years 7 and 8, how can we expect
students to take it at GCSE? Will they even know what computing is?
How will schools go about delivering digital literacy now that there will be no specific subject that will deliver it?
The new curriculum contains a minimum of what schools are expected to
teach. If there is time in the curriculum, digital literacy can be
taught during computing lessons. However, there are a lot of schools who
only give one lesson a week or less to computing ICT, this is barely
enough time to teach the curriculum as it is. The other alternative is
to teach it across the curriculum, which should be happening anyway.
Each school needs to have a member of senior management to ensure that
this takes place.
Is there much difference between state and independent schools in relation to ICT provision and facilities?
I think it will very much depend on the school. The last school I
worked at had five state-of-the-art computer suites, equipped with new
iMacs and wireless projectors and that was a state comprehensive. I have
been to independent schools who have not been equipped with the latest
technology. It really does depend. Money is tight for many schools and
it will depend on who is charge of the schools digital strategy.
How can schools marry the advances in technology with decreasing budgets?
Schools need to do their research. They have access to so many great
websites that can be used to create work on and many are free, such as Google Apps for Education. If you take the virtual learning environments you don't need to spend a fortune on them, sites such as Edmodo
can easily replace more established and expensive ones. If you look at
hardware, this doesn't have to be expensive either. You can pick up a Raspberry Pi
for next to nothing (£24) and budget Android devices are also worth
getting hold of. The key is ensuring that you know what you are going to
do with them – do your research, read blogs and get yourself on Twitter.
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