Monday 9 February 2015

Intel® Teach Program Worldwide

Professional development to help educators inspire excellence in the classroom

Transforming education to meet the needs of today’s learners requires ongoing support for teachers as they implement new teaching practices. Intel® Teach is a proven program that helps K–12 teachers integrate technology effectively into classrooms and promote student-centered approaches, engaging students in learning and preparing them with critical skills for success in our digital world.

Intel® Teach Program courses

These courses improve learning by helping teachers of any subject foster critical thinking skills, such as collaboration, creativity, and communication. For more information, see the portfolio of Intel® Teach courses.

Courses for K–12 classroom teachers (all subjects)
  • Getting Started course: This course provides an introduction to software productivity tools and student-centered approaches.
  • Essentials course: Learn how to develop units that integrate technology into your existing classroom curriculum and promote student-centered learning.
  • Advanced Online course: Work with other teachers to build communities to advance integration of technology and 21st century learning. 
  • Thinking with Technology course: Develop project-based units that use online tools to enhance students’ higher-order thinking skills.
Courses for ICT teachers
Skills for Success: Get training in a curriculum that develops students’ technology, problem-solving, critical-thinking, and collaboration skills.
Courses for school leaders
Leadership Forum: Network with other leaders on promoting, supporting, and implementing effective technology integration in schools

Intel® Teach Elements courses are informative online courses that help
teachers learn new skills for engaging students with technology.

Intel® Teach Elements courses

Discover professional development that provides deep exploration of current learning concepts. This series of high-interest, visually compelling eLearning courses is available online in 24 languages. Take a course >

Courses for K–12 classroom teachers (all subjects)
Watch the following videos to learn about these courses:
Course for K–12 science teachers
Course for education leaders

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